Rockcastle Fiscal Court

Rockcastle County’s Local Government Brief History

A county government was formed in 1810, having first met in Mt. Vernon, which was founded in 1789 on the Wilderness Road and Skaggs Trace.  The local governing body was initially comprised of the county clerk and county squires  Today, the Rockcastle County Fiscal Court is comprised of six members: the county judge-executive and five squires elected from their individual districts.  In addition to all standard government responsibilities for his or her specific daily operations. Dates, Times, and Meeting Locations of the Fiscal Court The Rockcastle County Fiscal Court holds a Workshop meeting on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the County Judge’s Office. This is an information only meeting and no votes will be taken. The Regular Called meeting will be held every month on the second Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Rockcastle County Courthouse. All meetings are open to the public, and all citizens are put on notice that any claim against or business with the County they have will be heard by the fiscal court at that time.  Special Meetings may be called by the county judge-executive with a 24-hour notification to the citizens and local newspaper.  Rockcastle County has had as many as four Special Meetings per month, at which time the fiscal court’s magistrates are restricted by statute to address only those items on the agenda.  No citizen may bring an issue before the court at this time unless the business is listed on the agenda. The county judge-executive controls the items listed on all agenda.