Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wildie Road Reconstruction

Work began September 1, 2020 on the road slide on Wildie Road.  Crews were on the scene Tuesday morning to begin the process of reconstructing the roadway.

Several Culverts Replaced

Thanks to the efforts of your County Judge Executive; Mr. Howell Holbrook, the funding has been released for the new fiscal year and work has begun on the installation of several culverts that need replaced in the county.

Free Trash Drop Off Day Was A Great Success!

The county collected 315,000 pounds of trash.  Due to COVID-19 we were unable to use work release workers this year.  Your County Judge Executive Howell Holbrook Jr., alongside our County Road Department,  Magistrate Doug Prewitt and the Fiscal Court staff working together allowed us to have a very successful day.

Rockcastle County Road Department Mowing Season

The Rockcastle County Road Department follows a set mowing schedule each season which begins around May 1st and runs through September of each year, depending on the weather conditions.  Please use caution when approaching and navigating around the mowers out on the roadways.  Be aware of debris from the mower as you attempt to navigate around.